8 Productivity Tips that will improve your work day
Home » 8 Productivity Tips that will improve your Work Day

8 Productivity Tips that will improve your Work Day

by admin

Tip 1 – Get dressed each morning

You don’t have to wear normal work attire, but you do need to change your mindset from relaxed pyjamas to alert business time

Tip 2 – Ideally, you should have a dedicated office space

With a door that can be closed to those you live with. If a designed office space is not possible, then try working I different parts of your home to break up the day keep your mind focused

Tip 3 – Set yourself a “to-do” List

At the beginning of each day/week, to keep you motivated

Tip 4 – Just as you do when leave the office

(hopefully), switch off your work emails and calls at a set time so that your personal time remains  as such

Tip 5 – Stick to your usual working hours

Sleep times and break times to provide structure to your day

Tip 6 – Working from home gives you flexibility

And sometimes it might be worth using this to your advantage, by changing your hours to suite personal requirements or to dial into overseas meetings.

Tip 7 – Use sound-blocking earplugs headphones

Or earmuffs to distance yourself from the familiar world around you and aid concentration

Tip 8 – Use natural daylight

Especially after lunch, to keep you alert and work-orientated when you’re feeling tired.

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